The Pre/Post Meal High Blood Sugar Support That Makes A Difference...
Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or Blood Sugar levels are too high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into your cells to give them energy. With Type 1 Diabetes, your body does not make insulin, due to the “Burn Out” of the Beta-Cells in the Pancreas. With Type 2 Diabetes, which is more common), your body does not make enough or use insulin efficiently. Without enough insulin, the glucose stays in your blood. You can also have Pre-Diabetes. This means that your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be called diabetes. Having prediabetes puts you at a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
There are about 27 million people in the U.S. with Type 2 Diabetes, while another 86 million have Pre-Diabetes: (Their blood glucose is not normal, but not high enough to be diabetes yet.)
Too much glucose, (Hyperglycemia) in your blood can cause serious intercellular problems such as; damage to your; Eyes, Kidneys, Nerves, cause Heart Disease, Strokes and even the need to remove a limb.
NOTE: All Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal or Food Supplements Are NOT, Created Equal.
BE ADVISED: Supplement Manufacturers Are NOT Required By Law To;
* Use All Natural, Whole/Real Food Nutrients, Rather Than Commonly Used Synthetics
I.E; Did you know your previous Vitamin B12 supplement uses synthetic, “cyanocobalamin”, rather than
the Whole Food Sourced, “methylcobalamin”, as used in our “Glycemic Rescue, Diabetic Support”
* Minimize Nutrient Destroying Heat Exposure
I’E; The high heat drying process of Herbs, are cheaper, yet destroy a lot of active nutrients, same as
over cooking your Greens.
* Use 3rd Party Testing To Ensure What’s On The Label, Is In The Bottle
I.E; We here @ 1’Sport Of Life ~ Nutrition, are proud to have NSF, (3rd party inspection agency) as a
quality assurance partner.
Key Feature:
*Chromium, which forms a part of a compound in the body known as Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), is an essential mineral in the metabolic process that enhances the action of insulin, regulate blood sugar, impowers insulin to transport glucose into cells, to be used for ATP energy. Therefore Chromium maintains stable blood sugar levels via proper insulin utilization to help maintain a healthy metabolism and weight. ...1`Sport Of Life ~ Nutrition’s “Glycemic Rescue, Diabetic Support”, uses a unique and patented form of chromium, which consists of the mineral chromium bound to the natural and more bioavailable L form of the amino acid glycine. Our GTF Chromium Amino Acid Chelate is a more easily absorbed form of chromium, naturally derived from yeast in the safe trivalent form.
Formulated With 100% All Natural & Active, Organic, Whole Food Sourced Ingredients...
Powerful Anti Oxidative, Antioxidants
Anti Inflammatory and Antibacterial Botanicals
Supports Improved Sugar Metabolism
0 - Fillers
0 - Artificial Sweeteners, Colors Or Preservatives
Directions For Use
Mix 1 Capsules with your biggest meal of the day. (high carb meals = High Blood Sugar Index)
Store In Cool, Dry Place
Keep out of reach of children.